
Got ghosted, then lowballed

So I'm at a point where I'm really desperate for a good paying job, but there's not many options for me because I can't afford college financially or time wise right now. So I've put in applications literally everywhere I can and get almost no responses (I know this is unfortunately very normal, can we at least get automated rejections once accepted?) So here's the thing, I interviewed with this job after a week of silence and I went down there- had a good interview- really thought it was gonna work out because manager and I saw eye to eye on everything we discussed. So the job listing was at $12-14 and it mentioned a differential bonus for the shift I applied for. Well I went ahead and asked for $13 because I felt like I was exactly what she was looking for. Well it turns out that she knew…

So I'm at a point where I'm really desperate for a good paying job, but there's not many options for me because I can't afford college financially or time wise right now.

So I've put in applications literally everywhere I can and get almost no responses (I know this is unfortunately very normal, can we at least get automated rejections once accepted?)

So here's the thing, I interviewed with this job after a week of silence and I went down there- had a good interview- really thought it was gonna work out because manager and I saw eye to eye on everything we discussed. So the job listing was at $12-14 and it mentioned a differential bonus for the shift I applied for. Well I went ahead and asked for $13 because I felt like I was exactly what she was looking for. Well it turns out that she knew my old boss, and because he's a childish POS he definitely bad mouthed me and I never heard back from her after the interview.

Alright so I want to give all these places I've applied to a chance to message me back because I don't want to settle for a shitty job if they're just responding late. So I start doing doordash for 2 weeks and I know they're not gonna talk to me again, so I've already started applying elsewhere.

Well I got myself a new job that I'm somewhat comfortable in, but I'm still interviewing around to see if I can get a better offer because this is a little further than I'd like to travel.

Well, the manager decides to text me back 2 months later saying “Hey I have an opening again for the shift you wanted, still interested?” So I laughed and said “well actually I've already found a job elsewhere, sorry” she said “thank you for responding best of luck” but I say fuck it, “I would be interested in setting up another interview again if you'd like” she said sure swing by at such and such time.

Alright, I get there early and she says we don't need to interview we can just do your paperwork, so I go through the steps and get to the offer page. I do a double take and I'm sitting there like “is this a fucking joke right now?” The offer was the same on the page I saw it on before, the advertisement on the windows says the same thing, and girly offered $11 an hour and said “Now I have limited hours right now but we'll get you started Mondays and Tuesdays and see how you do, because I need people who can work” so I was already pissed off, but I don't want to walk out in the middle of this because I honestly don't have the mental energy for it.

I signed myself up for it and I'm just gonna give her the same treatment she gave me, complete silence. Hope it fucks over her vacation she started planning 2 months ago.

So yeah, even if you have everything an employer wants from you, they'll still treat you like expendable garbage for literally no reason. And they just won't ever understand because these are the people who are in a cozy job where everything is done for them, they get paid to do a little bit of paperwork that's bullshitted half of the time, then they get paid to bark at the managers to do their responsibilities.

TL;DR Manager interviewed me, we thought we were perfect for each other, she talked to my petty old boss and he bad mouthed me, she ghosted me, messaged me 2 months later with another offer for an interview, set me up for $3 less than we initially agreed on with less than 16 hours a week even though she had enough hours available (told her I needed full time, had open availability, the whole shabang)

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