
Got pulled into the office yesterday for discussing wages with other workers.

In the middle of a busy clinic at our practice, I got pulled in by my manager to speak to HR, who must have made a SPECIAL TRIP because she lives several states away, and told I was being 'investigated' for discussing wages with my other employees. She told me it was against company policy to discuss wages. Me: That's illegal. Them: three slow, long seconds of staring at me blankly Uh… Me: That's an illegal policy to have. The right to discuss wages is a right protected by the National Labor Relations Board. I used to be in a union. I know this. HR: Oh, this is news to me! I have been working HR for 18 years and I never knew that. Haha. Well try not to do it anyway, it makes people upset, haha. Me: People are entitled to their opinions about what their work is worth.…

In the middle of a busy clinic at our practice, I got pulled in by my manager to speak to HR, who must have made a SPECIAL TRIP because she lives several states away, and told I was being 'investigated' for discussing wages with my other employees. She told me it was against company policy to discuss wages.

Me: That's illegal.

Them: three slow, long seconds of staring at me blankly Uh…

Me: That's an illegal policy to have. The right to discuss wages is a right protected by the National Labor Relations Board. I used to be in a union. I know this.

HR: Oh, this is news to me! I have been working HR for 18 years and I never knew that. Haha. Well try not to do it anyway, it makes people upset, haha.

Me: People are entitled to their opinions about what their work is worth. Bye.

I then left, and sent her several texts and emails saying I would like a copy of their company policy to see where this wage discussion policy was kept. She quickly called me back in to the office.

HR: You know what, there is no policy like that in the handbook! I double checked. Sorry about the confusion, my apologies.

Me: You still haven't given me the paper saying that we had this discussion. I am going to need some protection against retaliation.

HR: Oh haha yes here you go.

I just received a paper with legal letterhead and an apology saying there was no verbal warning or write up. Don't ever take their shit you guys. Keep talking about wages. Know your worth.

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