
Got sent home on my 2nd day of training.

So I finally get a new job after not working for 8 months because I got hit by a car. Sprained acl/mcl and hairline fracture in my knee it was a slow recovery but I was taking it easy mainly looking for a wfh job because my gf was enjoying me being home. I was in a even worse car accident where I suffered a TBI and I have been really struggling keeping a steady job ever since my tbi. I went from working at the same job 4+ years to bouncing around/quiting/getting fired from at least 10 + jobs from late 2019- present. I have definitely changed since my accident I used to be very motivated/grinder now I am very quick to come up with a lot of reasons why the job is not good. For example, my newest gig is a popular chicken finger spot … fuck this…

So I finally get a new job after not working for 8 months because I got hit by a car. Sprained acl/mcl and hairline fracture in my knee it was a slow recovery but I was taking it easy mainly looking for a wfh job because my gf was enjoying me being home. I was in a even worse car accident where I suffered a TBI and I have been really struggling keeping a steady job ever since my tbi. I went from working at the same job 4+ years to bouncing around/quiting/getting fired from at least 10 + jobs from late 2019- present. I have definitely changed since my accident I used to be very motivated/grinder now I am very quick to come up with a lot of reasons why the job is not good. For example, my newest gig is a popular chicken finger spot … fuck this place… first day of training a mod calls me out in front of everybody in the training group telling me I need to clean up my hair/beard, for context I had already cut my beard 3 separate times trying to meet their criteria; I was told we are allowed to have facial hair up to 0.5 inch. I have loccs and am in very deprecate need for a retwist my hair is very nappy/frizzy especially up top. I went to the hiring interview with my hair looking like this but they didn't say anything was wrong other then I'd have to pull it back because of the length. When the Mod calls me out she says I need to have my loccs tucked into my hat? Even though there are others workers with long hair flowing from their hats. After they called me out like that it genuinely hurt me for some reasons I've never felt so singled out, and shitty on my first day at any job ive ever had… i felt so crumby about the situation. I felt so out of place but I still tried my hardest to learn everything during training to try and excel because when the job was first advertised it was advertised at $16.50 but in reality everybody was hired in at $15 and you can earn a raise within 3 months as long as you cross train and take on more responsibility, which I was perfectly fine with.When I get home from first day of training I'm still feeling bumbed about first day I tell my friends I play video games with how I was treated and they thought it was bullshit and that they won't treat me like that at wo knonce they get to know me…
day 2 comes around and I get called over by another mod and I think they are going to talk to me about my beard until they tell me I can “take off my apron and gloves” in front of everyone, and they take me outside where the store manager and her boss are standing there and they tell me they are sending me home on suspicion of being under the influence of an illegal substance…. I am blown away… my jaw drops they're sending me home 15 mins into my 2nd shift?
I feel like I am royally fucked, but this job didn't require a drug test, and it is literally for service.I ask them on what grounds do they suspect me of being under the influence of anything? They tell me they can not speak about it because some higher up hr will be doing an investigation on me. I am beyond crushed. I ask them so does this mean I am losing my job?/ if I should show up for tomorrows training. HERE IS THE KICKER. They tell me that the company cares about their employees so they will be in contact on weither I should show up to tomorrows training… while I'm risking my safety driving with a donut on my car because I caught a flat the day before training started mega self conscious about my self image after day one. I am so embarrassed by the whole situation I never want to hear from any of them again… I do not want to go through with any investigation. I have worked in a few kitchens and they have never cared if my eyes are a bit glossy from a little devils lettuce as long as you show to your assigned shift and if you aren't fried messing up orders. If they were going to be so uptight like that why not drug test the applicants before offering the job? My girlfriend thinks between the way they treated me about my dreads on day one, and sending me home under a “suspicion” of being high w no proof at all is grounds for a discrimination lawsuit, since I'm black. All I know is this is a new PB that I am not at all proud about. Thanks for listening to this very long and unpleasant rant. Pray you're having a better day then me

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