
Got subtly shamed for leaving for more money

Was offered a 5% raise back in January which brought up my annual salary from 32k EUR to 33.5k EUR (I'm in Ireland and inflation is crazy here to the point where I had to start dipping into my savings to make ends meet at times). At a performance review in June I tried opening up the conversation for an adjustment for inflation and was brushed off with a, “We only do salary reviews once a year unless an employee is performing exceptionally well.” That killed off any motivation I would have had left and I started doing the bare minimum while looking for other opportunities. Found another job offer that would pay me 38.5k and so handed in my notice. My manager's exact words were, “I'm not personally motivated by money,” when I said I was struggling on the current salary. My director was curious to find out what…

Was offered a 5% raise back in January which brought up my annual salary from 32k EUR to 33.5k EUR (I'm in Ireland and inflation is crazy here to the point where I had to start dipping into my savings to make ends meet at times). At a performance review in June I tried opening up the conversation for an adjustment for inflation and was brushed off with a, “We only do salary reviews once a year unless an employee is performing exceptionally well.” That killed off any motivation I would have had left and I started doing the bare minimum while looking for other opportunities.

Found another job offer that would pay me 38.5k and so handed in my notice. My manager's exact words were, “I'm not personally motivated by money,” when I said I was struggling on the current salary. My director was curious to find out what the other place was offering me, and when I told him, he said, “5k? Not a massive difference then.” No counteroffer either, mind you.

They're both so far removed from the realities of what the junior staff have to live on, or they pulled the corporate version of negging on me.

Couldn't be more relieved to be leaving.

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