
Got the “do more, faster, with less” email from the CEO today…

TL;DR This is just a vent/rant. So, if you are in the market for some old school, American grade, bitching that doesn't involve politics, this is the post for you! I have been at this company for a little over 2 years. I was hired on to a team of 3 systems engineers and 1 network engineer that managed all IT client and server systems for a ~500 person startup, along with a small service desk team for level 1/2 issues. This team replaced 1 guy who had run it all himself for a time, after his entire team of 5 people+a director, all basically walked out. When he finally burned out and left, they replaced him with the team I ended up on, and I was the last hire. Two years in, the team is now me and 2 network engineers, one of which I am pretty sure is…

TL;DR This is just a vent/rant. So, if you are in the market for some old school, American grade, bitching that doesn't involve politics, this is the post for you!

I have been at this company for a little over 2 years.

I was hired on to a team of 3 systems engineers and 1 network engineer that managed all IT client and server systems for a ~500 person startup, along with a small service desk team for level 1/2 issues.

This team replaced 1 guy who had run it all himself for a time, after his entire team of 5 people+a director, all basically walked out.

When he finally burned out and left, they replaced him with the team I ended up on, and I was the last hire.

Two years in, the team is now me and 2 network engineers, one of which I am pretty sure is just moonlighting and this is his second/disposable job (we are all remote).

In that time, I have gone through 4 bosses, had 2 substantial raises and a promotion.

My current boss is one of those old school, shady as fuck, Brahmin Indian bosses. Dude is so crooked he probably has to screw his socks on in the morning.

When he was hired in, he basically assumed that we were all morons and the reason things were so fucked was because we were all morons. No partnership with the team. Didn't ask a single question. Just started buying new tools, to replace tools we already had that he just didn't like.

Meanwhile, in other areas, we lacked proper tooling at all. He would have been told this had he asked, or had he even bothered to tell us he was buying any tools. But he didn't.

Also, the entire company is running on 5 year old laptops, most of which have been shipped across the country 5+ times, due to how high our turnover is.

I have been fighting the fight to get new hardware for over a year now, and we are still in a holding pattern, although it's promised any day now… lol

Short story, I need to find a new job. The challenge to that is that they are paying me so far above scale at this point that it's hard to step back from that money.

I am definitely grateful for the money but money doesn't give me endless time, skillset, or patience.

A little aside, I am on a staff meeting with the boss right now and he just stole credit from me for an idea I gave him 2 hours ago. Presented it as “something that came to my mind…” It came out of my mouth, mfer!

Goddamn am I sick as fuck of this shit. IT has become a toxic pit of chicanery.

I may add to this later but goddamn am I exhausted by this shit.

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