
Got told off for buying a $1 dollar bottle of water

I worked as a delivery man (for my brother of all people) and I complained since I kept getting paid days late (I got paid per day in cash, completely off the books but I needed the money) and since i had the nerve to complain about it he told me off for buying water using company money. Thankfully I had the screenshot of him telling me to buy water since it was 35° Celsius (95° fahreinhet) that day. I quit and now they don’t have anyone to do deliveries for them next week 🙂

I worked as a delivery man (for my brother of all people) and I complained since I kept getting paid days late (I got paid per day in cash, completely off the books but I needed the money) and since i had the nerve to complain about it he told me off for buying water using company money.

Thankfully I had the screenshot of him telling me to buy water since it was 35° Celsius (95° fahreinhet) that day.

I quit and now they don’t have anyone to do deliveries for them next week 🙂

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