
Gotta love nonsensical discrimination

In Washington state, fwiw. I've been working at this place for over a year, and suddenly management has a huge problem with me. Nothing to do with my work performance, as said to my face, but rather with being on my phone. Which almost every single employee at this WAREHOUSE JOB is allowed to be. Again, I was told TO MY FACE that my work performance was not of issue, only how often OTHER PEOPLE (my manager) deemed I was on my phone. Full disclosure, I do not hide when I'm on my phone, because I shouldn't have to. It is a warehouse job, I'm by myself 98% of the time, but my manager has decided for herself that I'm on my phone too often (skipping adds, I know, so time consuming) because every time she allegedly sees me I'm 'on my phone'. So I'm obviously on my way out,…

In Washington state, fwiw.
I've been working at this place for over a year, and suddenly management has a huge problem with me. Nothing to do with my work performance, as said to my face, but rather with being on my phone. Which almost every single employee at this WAREHOUSE JOB is allowed to be. Again, I was told TO MY FACE that my work performance was not of issue, only how often OTHER PEOPLE (my manager) deemed I was on my phone. Full disclosure, I do not hide when I'm on my phone, because I shouldn't have to. It is a warehouse job, I'm by myself 98% of the time, but my manager has decided for herself that I'm on my phone too often (skipping adds, I know, so time consuming) because every time she allegedly sees me I'm 'on my phone'. So I'm obviously on my way out, this company is micromanaging everything I do, more than ever, and I'm pretty sure they're gearing up to fire me. I've always done my best, at every job I've had, but then my boss here decided he was going to pull an 'at will employment move' and threaten my employment at his shitty company when I challenged the idiotic way they are treating me. I reiterate, I have never done anything that literally anyone else working here is able to do, full stop. But for me, suddenly, they changed my job description (I didn't sign anything) and now I alone am not allowed to listen to anything other than their idiotic political radio station, on the grounds that, and I quote, 'you're on your phone too much' and 'it takes a couple seconds to talk to you'. In the rare event that anyone has to talk to me, truly the worst punishment, being forced to wait literally 2 seconds so I can pause something and give you my full attention. No job performance issues, just this hot garbage. I'd like to add that I just moved my entire life recently, with their knowledge, so I'm sure they're ready to hold that over my head as well. I'm so thoroughly done being kicked around here, I can't wait to leave, but not until I've taken them for everything they're worth. I'm getting my paid holidays and bonus, see if I don't. Also I'm convinced this is some weird boomer shit, because I haven't had a problem until I got back from, you guessed it, a paid 2 week vacation to go back to Chicago to see family that I only get to see once every couple years, if that. I'm trying to get a remote job, because if I have to I can pull the medical reasons card. There's no good reason why I should be expected to slog through an 8 hour day with nothing interesting to even listen to. The work I do is so mindless, it's bullshit. Has anyone else had to deal with anything like this?

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