
Gridlocked because I finished my degree in 2 yrs.

I finished my 4 year bachelors in 2 years. I did this by taking 6 classes every semester, and 5 classes every summer. The reason I did this is because I thought it'd be more impressive, and demonstrate my grit or adversity or [insert buzzword here]. Whatever. It was hard as fuck but I did it, and I'm proud. Or at least I should be. I got an internship right out of college in product management, it wraps up in a week. Only yesterday I found out from my boss that the company apparently doesn't have the budget for me to move on full-time. So fine, I'll just find another internship, I think, maybe even a junior product management job which is what I would have gotten. Lo-and-behold, every junior product management job requires at least 1-2 years of product management experience. So, fine, guess I'll just do another internship,…

I finished my 4 year bachelors in 2 years. I did this by taking 6 classes every semester, and 5 classes every summer. The reason I did this is because I thought it'd be more impressive, and demonstrate my grit or adversity or [insert buzzword here]. Whatever. It was hard as fuck but I did it, and I'm proud. Or at least I should be.

I got an internship right out of college in product management, it wraps up in a week. Only yesterday I found out from my boss that the company apparently doesn't have the budget for me to move on full-time. So fine, I'll just find another internship, I think, maybe even a junior product management job which is what I would have gotten.

Lo-and-behold, every junior product management job requires at least 1-2 years of product management experience. So, fine, guess I'll just do another internship, sucks that I have to wait until the summer, but, what can you do?

I start filling out applications until I realize… all of these internships essentially require me to be currently pursuing my undergrad! But I finished my degree in 2 years, if I hadn't done that I'd be a junior/senior right now, anyway! Doesn't matter, I get immediately filtered out when I finish my application.

So now what? I'm fucked. I'm fucked because I naively thought I could game the system by working harder. I just wanted a head start and now I can't start at all.

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