
Guess I need education

I’ve been in retail for the better part of a decade with the same company. Started off as just a box boy, climbed through the ranks and gained the confidence of the board to where I was appointed intermittent manager until they went through the formal process of selecting a new General Manager. I knew everything the corporation had going on, what projects we’re currently working on and what we have planned for the upcoming years. Knew my tasks and completed them to the best of my ability and even had the difficult responsibilities laid upon my shoulders as a General Manager. All the contacts and contracts we have current business with but no… I guess the board decided to go with someone who has a degree in community development…. Guess it doesn’t matter what experience you have as long as you have a totally irrelevant degree… Fuck the system.

I’ve been in retail for the better part of a decade with the same company. Started off as just a box boy, climbed through the ranks and gained the confidence of the board to where I was appointed intermittent manager until they went through the formal process of selecting a new General Manager.
I knew everything the corporation had going on, what projects we’re currently working on and what we have planned for the upcoming years.
Knew my tasks and completed them to the best of my ability and even had the difficult responsibilities laid upon my shoulders as a General Manager.
All the contacts and contracts we have current business with but no… I guess the board decided to go with someone who has a degree in community development….
Guess it doesn’t matter what experience you have as long as you have a totally irrelevant degree…
Fuck the system.

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