
Guys, I got let go. I’m really scared.

I really don't know what to do. You can easily guess from my username what industry I work in. Sadly the effects of the strikes caught up to us. My husband's work was hit hard due to COVID and we have a lot of debt we want to pay off. I've been applying and have degrees and everything but so far, I've only had one interview and I don't think I'm moving onto the next round. I'm really scared. We have no safety net and our accounts already got overdrawn. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to accomplish by posting but I share the frustrations and disillusionment. I had really good grades and went to an awesome film school. But it hasn't materialized in financial success and it's done terrible things to my self esteem. It angers me that we're stuck in this system where there are so many…

I really don't know what to do. You can easily guess from my username what industry I work in. Sadly the effects of the strikes caught up to us. My husband's work was hit hard due to COVID and we have a lot of debt we want to pay off. I've been applying and have degrees and everything but so far, I've only had one interview and I don't think I'm moving onto the next round. I'm really scared. We have no safety net and our accounts already got overdrawn. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to accomplish by posting but I share the frustrations and disillusionment. I had really good grades and went to an awesome film school. But it hasn't materialized in financial success and it's done terrible things to my self esteem. It angers me that we're stuck in this system where there are so many talented people but struggle with poverty. Why is it like this? Why did we decide money should be the thing that dictates whether someone gets basic necessities for living or not? I hate this and just wanna give everyone in similar situations a huge hug. I'm sorry if you're struggling too and thanks for reading.

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