
Had a terrible interview, wanted to share

So, I actually just scored a dream position on Tuesday that pays exceptionally well… this is not that story. This was the interview I had before that one for a graphic designer position, and it was a shitshow. I show up early and took a seat in the lobby. I waited a solid 15-20 minutes with no receptionist until I finally notice one of those little dingy bells like I'm in a fucking diner. No sign- no ring for service- just a little metal bell next to a plexiglass shield. There are giant cardboard boxes taking up most of the lobby and unfinished computer chairs so I didn't even see it. Finally I ring it and someone takes me back to see someone I assume was the boss and she sits me down and asks some ice-breaker questions. Still nothing related to the job, mind you. I begin to tell…

So, I actually just scored a dream position on Tuesday that pays exceptionally well… this is not that story. This was the interview I had before that one for a graphic designer position, and it was a shitshow.

I show up early and took a seat in the lobby. I waited a solid 15-20 minutes with no receptionist until I finally notice one of those little dingy bells like I'm in a fucking diner. No sign- no ring for service- just a little metal bell next to a plexiglass shield. There are giant cardboard boxes taking up most of the lobby and unfinished computer chairs so I didn't even see it.

Finally I ring it and someone takes me back to see someone I assume was the boss and she sits me down and asks some ice-breaker questions. Still nothing related to the job, mind you.

I begin to tell her about myself and mention my “partner” to which she enthusiastically says “oh so you're GAY?”

(my partner is a trans man, so yeah I am, but there was no context- I could just have been a cis, straight millennial adopting new inclusive terminology, my jaw dropped internally, though I managed to keep a straight face the whole time)

As we talk more, still about the gay thing, she looks off to the side and carefully considers her slogan: “Gay in Garrettsville!” I am utterly speechless.
(I live in a city named Garrettsville)

Finally, she passes me off to the lead graphic designer to take a phone call. On speaker phone. I have heard every conversation she has had in the last half hour. The lead then shows me what she's working on (I still have no idea what the job really is).

This concludes with her telling me there's a design test/exercise that should take no more than an hour or two- of my own time- and that's how I knew they did not look at my portfolio. Then the boss is still on a phone meeting of indefinite time, and I still have no idea what the pay even is. We stand there, thumbs up our asses, unsure if this interview is over. The graphic designer leaves me as she has work to do, and I without hesitation just bounced.

After this miserable experience the lead is still sending me the exercise. I hoped I could just ignore it and they'd realize I'd ghosted them, but she followed up and left me no choice.

This was my response:

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