
Harassed, wrongfully terminated, and banned from the store

Started working at a vape shop in early February. I had been overworked in my previous jobs, so I wanted something a little easy while I mentally recovered. I was hired with another part time employee who I actually had a past with, but it didn’t bother me. We even were friendly at first. About a month later I started being harassed by her at work every possible moment on the one day we worked together. Comments about my appearance, my work ethic, anything she could think of that would hurt me in the moment. For example, I was helping her out with a customer one time. He was the only one we had with “guest” in his name in the system. I quickly mentioned that after she had some trouble finding it. She used my advice, then turned around and said “wow, thanks op, what would we do without…

Started working at a vape shop in early February. I had been overworked in my previous jobs, so I wanted something a little easy while I mentally recovered.

I was hired with another part time employee who I actually had a past with, but it didn’t bother me. We even were friendly at first.

About a month later I started being harassed by her at work every possible moment on the one day we worked together. Comments about my appearance, my work ethic, anything she could think of that would hurt me in the moment. For example, I was helping her out with a customer one time. He was the only one we had with “guest” in his name in the system. I quickly mentioned that after she had some trouble finding it. She used my advice, then turned around and said “wow, thanks op, what would we do without you” in the most sarcastic tone.

Despite her treatment of me, the other co workers(all female) took a liking to her. Started hanging out of the weekend, etc. this made me feel especially alone, but I was there to do a job, and never let it bother me.

Fast forward a few more months and she had said something downright nasty I just couldn’t ignore, and we ended up having a huge fight at work. No one was in the store for the whole thing, but I still understand how this was unprofessional on my part. She was calling me every name under the sun, and even started calling my wife names as she was a customer. Most I said was that she was disrespectful, and unprofessional. Turns out the reason she was so mad at me is because she believes I made her drive home drunk once, which is simply not true at all.

After getting statements from us both she was let go, but I could still feel the resentment from my other 2 co-workers. Unfortunately, one of them became the manager of the store, but she seemed to be professional at first, so I didn’t think too much of it.

After she left, we found a new hire. He was hired full time, which I thought was a little weird considering she had been part, but I also didn’t think too much about it.

He gets through training and I get called into the office out of the blue. The manager (still friends with the girl who harassed me) says they will need to let me go. The reasons being were “I wasn’t putting product on the shelf correctly” which is bullshit, I always double checked. “Not getting tasks done before she gets in” I was always under the impression they had to be done before end of shift, and noone told me otherwise. And that “I acted differently around her and the other friend of the girl that harassed me” of course I’m going to act differently around you if you have actively shown you don’t like me for reasons beyond my control. This was the first conversation we had about any of this, no warning whatsoever.

Dumbfounded, I walked out of there without argument, and tried to figure out how I was going to find a job after being fired from a vape shop after only 4 and a half months.

Fast forward to a week ago, this was still our regular vape shop. We had been going there long before I started working there, and they weren’t going to stop me, or so I thought. The first couple times I went in were fine because I went when I knew the new guy would be working, but last week there was yet another new girl I haven’t met. I decided that was fine as long as it wasn’t one of the other 2. She immediately asked my name. When I gave it to her she said “I need to ask you to leave, due to your past behavior you can no longer shop in this store” I was dumbfounded again, how could anyone be this petty?

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