
Hard work gets rewarded! With more work…

Like an absolute idiot I came into my new role about 4 years ago absolutely blazing! If there was a new process, training, a project I could help out with I jumped at the chance to learn and do it all. Besides learning and taking on any project I could get my hands on, I started asking coworkers if they needed help. So on any “down” time instead of resting or taking care of small odds and ends, I would ask people if they needed any help with their projects. Flashforward to now I was promoted to assistant manager and given…. A 30 cent raise!!! But now my work load and high performance of always going above and beyond is an expectation, not something seen as appreciated or as a “go getter” it's just assumed work can be dumped on me and that I'll be happy to take it on.…

Like an absolute idiot I came into my new role about 4 years ago absolutely blazing! If there was a new process, training, a project I could help out with I jumped at the chance to learn and do it all. Besides learning and taking on any project I could get my hands on, I started asking coworkers if they needed help. So on any “down” time instead of resting or taking care of small odds and ends, I would ask people if they needed any help with their projects.

Flashforward to now I was promoted to assistant manager and given…. A 30 cent raise!!! But now my work load and high performance of always going above and beyond is an expectation, not something seen as appreciated or as a “go getter” it's just assumed work can be dumped on me and that I'll be happy to take it on. I wish I could go back and kick my past self.

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