
Has anyone successfully negotiated a shorter workday at their full time job?

I recently took a new position with a small company. It was a significant pay bump but requires me in office 8-5, and I did not account for how much that would physically and emotionally zap me after working hybrid/remote for the last 3 years. I have ADHD sitting at a desk for that long yields diminishing returns. I know I would be more productive over a shorter window of time. If I cut salary commiserate with fewer hours, there goes the pay bump and I’m basically back where I was before, just a different team and maybe less job security than my previous job. If I explain that I’d be the same amount of productive as in office, the company might think I’m not working hard. I’m one of the youngest employees on a team of less than 25 – majority are boomers and genXrs. Has anyone here successfully…

I recently took a new position with a small company. It was a significant pay bump but requires me in office 8-5, and I did not account for how much that would physically and emotionally zap me after working hybrid/remote for the last 3 years. I have ADHD sitting at a desk for that long yields diminishing returns. I know I would be more productive over a shorter window of time. If I cut salary commiserate with fewer hours, there goes the pay bump and I’m basically back where I was before, just a different team and maybe less job security than my previous job. If I explain that I’d be the same amount of productive as in office, the company might think I’m not working hard. I’m one of the youngest employees on a team of less than 25 – majority are boomers and genXrs. Has anyone here successfully negotiated a shorter workday or workweek without taking a major hit to their salary? How did it go?

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