
Hate my Shitty Job

I work as a grocery clerk from 2 to 10:30 Friday through Tuesday in a tourist town. The pay is fine but I hate it. I hate it so much. My coworkers don't know what the fuck they're doing and are allergic to learning how anything is done so I can't trust them to cover for me while I'm on a goddamn bathroom break without having them be backed up at the register when I come back because they don't know where the fucking bacon bits are and just waited for me to come back to answer it. I hate hate hate the customers, too. Stupid assholes. We have two different kinds of carts and apparently it's fucking rocket science figuring out which carts actually fit together. It's like watching a toddler trying to jam a square shape in a circle hole, but sadder and more pathetic. These people vote…

I work as a grocery clerk from 2 to 10:30 Friday through Tuesday in a tourist town. The pay is fine but I hate it. I hate it so much.

My coworkers don't know what the fuck they're doing and are allergic to learning how anything is done so I can't trust them to cover for me while I'm on a goddamn bathroom break without having them be backed up at the register when I come back because they don't know where the fucking bacon bits are and just waited for me to come back to answer it.

I hate hate hate the customers, too. Stupid assholes. We have two different kinds of carts and apparently it's fucking rocket science figuring out which carts actually fit together. It's like watching a toddler trying to jam a square shape in a circle hole, but sadder and more pathetic. These people vote and they can't even match shapes. And they STINK. When they don't smell like they never fucking bathe they have that revolting smoker's breath that smells like the ghosts of one thousand vengeful cigarettes, right in my fucking face. Then they lick their fingers before giving me money. Disgusting. And of course none of these idiots know how tap works, because for some reason my life's purpose is to suffer.

I'm always exhausted when I come home from dealing with like two hundred people every day and I feel like I'm losing what little time I have on this earth feeling like a packhorse. I don't have the time or energy for my hobbies and I can feel the seasons slipping by but I can barely remember anything from any given day because it's all worthless busywork.

My partner who also works here says it isn't so bad and it's just my autism making me freak it, but I want to hurt people. I want to bite them and tear them with my teeth. I want nothing more than to quit this place but there aren't any jobs in this shithole that aren't customer facing and I can't leave. Hell.

Rant over.

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