
Have fun asshole.

So a few months ago the company I work at decides that my supervisor needs to move to a different section of the warehouse, and they need to hire someone, we'll call him Jimmy, to replace him. Turns out he's an idiot. I'm told I will now train Jimmy how to do my job. Wouldn't be weird but this guy takes any type of criticism as a personal attack, and of course that makes me nervous. I spent almost 3 months training him and he just isn't getting it…. Finally the bosses listened and gave me someone else to train. He picked it up immediately. I had planned on working this week and surgery next week. But no, Jimmy has been making shitty little comments about working through the pain, which I normally would do but the pain is neverending, and other comments like, “I don't even know what you…

So a few months ago the company I work at decides that my supervisor needs to move to a different section of the warehouse, and they need to hire someone, we'll call him Jimmy, to replace him. Turns out he's an idiot. I'm told I will now train Jimmy how to do my job. Wouldn't be weird but this guy takes any type of criticism as a personal attack, and of course that makes me nervous. I spent almost 3 months training him and he just isn't getting it….

Finally the bosses listened and gave me someone else to train. He picked it up immediately. I had planned on working this week and surgery next week. But no, Jimmy has been making shitty little comments about working through the pain, which I normally would do but the pain is neverending, and other comments like, “I don't even know what you do here.” I bust my ass every day. When I'm working hard the day goes by so fast. Even my bosses notice that it would take 3 people to do what I do in a day.

Yesterday he made a comment. I can't really remember what he said because it pissed me off, I'm in pain, and he just annoys me, so the memory just didn't form. Well, I have a lot of pto saved up. I go to my manager and tell him I'm in pain, annoyed, and I would like to put in for pto before I get any angrier and possibly get fired. He says all good.

Guess that motherfucker is gonna learn what I do now.

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