
Have you ever seen an employee take on his terrible boss and win? Tell us the story!

The boss in the office is a complete idiot. Stupid! Dishonest! Uneducated! Lacks people and management skills! Disruptive! Ruins the company and department! But he/she is the boss! Have you ever seen an employee or group of employees take on this terrible boss and win? Maybe they submitted a grievance. Or went to senior management. Used a lawyer. Or went to Human Resources. Or started a whispering gossip campaign around the office to destroy the reputation of the terrible boss. Or did a sick out. How ever they did it– they won. The witch is dead. Fired, terminated and gone! Tell us the story!

The boss in the office is a complete idiot. Stupid! Dishonest! Uneducated! Lacks people and management skills! Disruptive! Ruins the company and department! But he/she is the boss!

Have you ever seen an employee or group of employees take on this terrible boss and win?

Maybe they submitted a grievance. Or went to senior management. Used a lawyer. Or went to Human Resources. Or started a whispering gossip campaign around the office to destroy the reputation of the terrible boss. Or did a sick out.

How ever they did it– they won. The witch is dead. Fired, terminated and gone!

Tell us the story!

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