
Healthcare is broken: Clinics can go out of business if they agree to see Medicaid patients

The game is set up to fail. People who need access to care—those on Medicaid—have a hard time accessing it because people do not want to accept Medicaid patients—-why? Because they will lose money in the process and that means for smaller clinics will likely fail and have to close. The government has made it so you are punished financially as a provider if you provide service to a population that is underserved. This has got to change!

The game is set up to fail. People who need access to care—those on Medicaid—have a hard time accessing it because people do not want to accept Medicaid patients—-why? Because they will lose money in the process and that means for smaller clinics will likely fail and have to close. The government has made it so you are punished financially as a provider if you provide service to a population that is underserved. This has got to change!

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