
Am I Going Insane?

[UK] My manager presented me with documentation of a meeting we had and requested I sign it. The document included the statement “Fwoggy7 suffers from anxiety and week commencing 10th of October had been stressful for personal medical issues. These anxiety issues were disclosed prior to starting this role in job and were stated to be under control, however observations have shown that this is not the case.”. After reading the document I stated that I disagreed with this implication that my anxiety disorder is out of control and explained that it is as under control as it can be, also disclosing that I have completed a course of medication and talking therapy as proof of this. By stating my disagreement and explaining why I disagreed I had expected the statement to be removed, however management disagreed with me, accused me of lying about the reason for my sickness absence…


My manager presented me with documentation of a meeting we had and requested I sign it. The document included the statement “Fwoggy7 suffers from anxiety and week commencing 10th of October had been stressful for personal medical issues. These anxiety issues were disclosed prior to starting this role in job and were stated to be under control, however observations have shown that this is not the case.”. After reading the document I stated that I disagreed with this implication that my anxiety disorder is out of control and explained that it is as under control as it can be, also disclosing that I have completed a course of medication and talking therapy as proof of this. By stating my disagreement and explaining why I disagreed I had expected the statement to be removed, however management disagreed with me, accused me of lying about the reason for my sickness absence the week prior (my fiance had covid and I had all the symptoms but negative lat flows, she said that she believes it was anxiety related) and disregarded what I had said. Instead she chose to make an addition mentioning that I have had therapy. She then asked if I would like anything changing and, as I had already stated that I was unhappy with a statement and was shut down, I said no because I felt that pushing the matter would have negative repercussions. I felt like this because in the morning huddle that day she had made a point of thanking two other staff members who had also been sick for persevering and asking after their wellbeing whilst ignoring myself, then proceeding to accuse me of lying about my sickness later in the day. I signed the document because I felt pressured and like I had no other choice because I feared repercussions if I didn't. I planned to raise this with a higher up manager the next day. She failed to mention in the document that she was a cause of a lot of stress due to the fact that she threatened me with a transfer during the meeting. She used the words “You will not lose your job because of this but I will transfer you because I cannot use you.” and told me that she would find me a suitable job in the labs. She was aware of this fact, as I had made her aware and she informed me that I “must must must stop worrying”.

I would also like to make note that during my first week in the position she reprimanded me for not disclosing at interview that I have mild eczema and interrogated me about any other health conditions I had that she was unaware of. This meeting was not documented.

I spoke with the higher manager and managed to get the document changed to “These anxiety issues were disclosed prior to starting this role in job and were stated to be under control, whilst I acknowledge that her anxiety is under control, Fwoggy7 can sometimes appear upset.” which I'm not 100% happy with but was the best compromise I could get. I've had a second meeting since with the higher manager regarding this mangers behaviour and have basically been told it's a he said she said situation and therefore she won't be taking it further. They haven't documented either of these meetings. I feel like I'm losing my mind though, this behaviour isn't acceptable right? And why does she want to make out on my record that I'm an anxious mess when I'm not? I've discussed it with other co-workers and they were surprised I even have an anxiety disorder, they couldn't tell! I've directly told management that it feels like they're building a case in order to transfer me and they've sworn up and down they aren't but I can't shake the feeling?

Someone please set me straight here, am I'm being paranoid or are they being weird?

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