
Hello from Switzerland

I'm reading posts from this subreddit since friday and I can't stop.. and I also can't believe it. I thought I could show you how things work in Switzerland. Working overtime: You are not allowed to work more than 8 hours / 8 hours and 25 minutes a day. Your boss has to allow that and it's very very rare. As far as I remember, you get 25% of your wages (hourly) on top of that for every hour of overtime you work. Depending on the agreement, you can also compensate them and take vacation time. However, overtime must be reasonable and necessary. If, for example, you have to pick up your daughter from school during the time in which you would have to work overtime, you can reject it. It is not reasonable not to pick up your daughter. Vacation: According to the law, from the age of 20…

I'm reading posts from this subreddit since friday and I can't stop.. and I also can't believe it.

I thought I could show you how things work in Switzerland.

Working overtime:

You are not allowed to work more than 8 hours / 8 hours and 25 minutes a day. Your boss has to allow that and it's very very rare. As far as I remember, you get 25% of your wages (hourly) on top of that for every hour of overtime you work. Depending on the agreement, you can also compensate them and take vacation time. However, overtime must be reasonable and necessary. If, for example, you have to pick up your daughter from school during the time in which you would have to work overtime, you can reject it. It is not reasonable not to pick up your daughter.


According to the law, from the age of 20 you must take at least 4 weeks of vacation per year, including 2 weeks in a row (before that it is simply 5 weeks per year). These vacations may not be compensated with money and are paid.

Apart from that, you must have at least one day off per week, but it's usual to have two days (weekend).

Apart from that, the maternity leave lasts 14 weeks and it is introduced in one canton that the father also gets 2 weeks and some companies provide two weeks for the father themselves


According to the law, from the age of 20 you must take at least 4 weeks of vacation per year, including 2 weeks in a row (before that it is simply 5 weeks per year). These vacations may not be compensated with money and are paid.

Apart from that, you must have at least one day off per week, but usually two days (weekends).

Apart from that, the maternity leave lasts 14 weeks and it is introduced in one canton that the father also gets 2 weeks.

366c OR:

“While the employee is absent through no fault of his own due to or accident, the employee is prevented from working in whole or in part. The first year of service for 30 days, and from the second year up to and including 30 days in the first year of service, from the second year of service up to and including the fifth year of service for 90 days and from the sixth year of service onwards for 180 days.”

The Pension

We have three pillars.

The first pillar: You give away 5.3% of your salary automatically. Pensioners receive this money right now. It's called “Umlageverfahren”. The workers now pay the pensions of the old and when we retire, the workers pay our pensions. I think you get about 2k from the first pillar.

The second pillar: a % rate of your pay goes into that. This is called the “funded” method. This is what you pay in for yourself, but you can use the money if you want to start a business, if you want to move abroad or buy your own apartment/house.

The third pillar: Is voluntary and you pay it in yourself. Again, it's “funded”, but you can pay in as much as you want. Maximum CHF 6'883 per year.


There is no official minimum wage in Switzerland, but unofficially it is between CHF 19 and CHF 23 per hour.

My mother, for example, works as a self-employed cleaner and earns about CHF 35 an hour.


If you have worked in the last two years, you are entitled to “RAV”. From your salary you have paid into the “ALV”, which is the unemployment insurance. From the RAV you receive 70% – 80% of your salary and have two years to find another job.

You also have to prove the RAV that you are looking for new jobs, you have your own consultant there.

If you don't find a job after two years (which is actually impossible if you try hard), there is still the social welfare office. But I don't know that much about it.


Because I want to become a teacher myself, I took a look. The starting salary is between 70k and 100k per year. For orientation: After the apprenticeship you earn about 4k per month, depending on the profession (after all deductions, like the mentioned ALV, etc). That's 48k per year for someone who has done three to four years of training in that profession (with school on the side, so working 3 – 4 days and 1 – 2 days of school a week).

I'm sorry if there's anything you don't understand. English is not my native language, so I used Deepl more often (:

If anything should be wrong, correct me please!

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