
Help me start over

I'm turning 30 soon and got out of the military 2 years ago after doing a fun job that had absolutely no civilian counterpart. I've worked shit jobs for shitty money while being treated like shit since. I can see this being the rest of my life If I don't do something now. I have the GI bill and a decent amount of savings that will cover my food and some of my rent for the next couple years if I work a part time job or go into a little debt towards the end. Can someone give me a career path to making close to 6 figures if im willing to go back to school and get a degree? I have absolutely no idea what I want to do and any suggestions would be helpful. I dont even know what jobs make six figures except for FAANG jobs or…

I'm turning 30 soon and got out of the military 2 years ago after doing a fun job that had absolutely no civilian counterpart. I've worked shit jobs for shitty money while being treated like shit since. I can see this being the rest of my life If I don't do something now.

I have the GI bill and a decent amount of savings that will cover my food and some of my rent for the next couple years if I work a part time job or go into a little debt towards the end.

Can someone give me a career path to making close to 6 figures if im willing to go back to school and get a degree? I have absolutely no idea what I want to do and any suggestions would be helpful. I dont even know what jobs make six figures except for FAANG jobs or doctors/lawyers. In ten years I want to be able to look back and think about how the idea for careers I got from this post changed my life.

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