
help me think of an answer to a hypothethical argument lol

I work for a company with an online shop. Now while shopping on our website I found a loophole on their system that ,let's just say, would let a customer save alot of money. Of course this is unintentional. Now I took advantage of this multiple times to get some good stuff for myself. Now the company found out about this stuff and it's discovery traces back to me, for some reason. Now… if I come to work and they start asking me questions like “if you found out why didn't you report it earlier?” What's the best neutral way to answer that question?

I work for a company with an online shop. Now while shopping on our website I found a loophole on their system that ,let's just say, would let a customer save alot of money. Of course this is unintentional. Now I took advantage of this multiple times to get some good stuff for myself.

Now the company found out about this stuff and it's discovery traces back to me, for some reason. Now… if I come to work and they start asking me questions like “if you found out why didn't you report it earlier?” What's the best neutral way to answer that question?

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