
Here’s what a therapist probably shouldn’t say (based on what my friends have told me)

“You will be fine getting married in your early twenties.” “You could get a tattoo” (instead of trying mindfulness to deal with an issue) “You should focus on your own goals” (despite the fact that it’s very challenging to do so for various reasons) “Just move out and get a place of your own.” (when someone is young that’s difficult to do) “Getting a divorce is easy — it’s not so bad.” “Well, maybe you married someone like your parent.” “Maybe you married the wrong person.” “I don’t think xyz person cares.” “You’re saying you have an illness that makes you incredibly fatigued, confused, and you have pain. Maybe you need some mental health medication to help with that.” (the mental health meds didn’t help my friend with those symptoms) “Here, try this anti-seizure medication for your depression.” (patient tries it and gets in a car accident because of the side effects)…

“You will be fine getting married in your early twenties.”

“You could get a tattoo” (instead of trying mindfulness to deal with an issue)

“You should focus on your own goals” (despite the fact that it’s very challenging to do so for various reasons)

“Just move out and get a place of your own.” (when someone is young that’s difficult to do)

“Getting a divorce is easy — it’s not so bad.”

“Well, maybe you married someone like your parent.”

“Maybe you married the wrong person.”

“I don’t think xyz person cares.”

“You’re saying you have an illness that makes you incredibly fatigued, confused, and you have pain. Maybe you need some mental health medication to help with that.” (the mental health meds didn’t help my friend with those symptoms)

“Here, try this anti-seizure medication for your depression.” (patient tries it and gets in a car accident because of the side effects)

“What happened to what you wanted to do for work?” (the economy is terrible in the area where my friend lives, and the middle class is struggling)

A therapist also probably shouldn’t hand their patient an academic paper and then say: “Well, you won’t be able to understand most of it. It’s kind of interesting, though.”

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