
Hey Directors/VP’s Stop being “nice”

We’re not stupid. We can see the insincerity and disinterest literally dripping from your pores. Just bc you don’t want to feel like an asshole doesn’t mean you aren’t one. If you wonder why no one stays or why no one applies – take a long look at yourself. You are self centered and barely take an interest in anyone unless they are kissing your ass or asking about you. Do you realize that you only talk about yourself and don’t know anything real about any of your employees. Do you see how you pretend to chat up an employee and then immediately turn the conversation about you? You realize the look on their face isn’t interest but puzzled and stuck talking to their boss. Conversations are give and take – you just take. It’s pathetic. How about when someone comes into your office for help you don’t look put…

We’re not stupid. We can see the insincerity and disinterest literally dripping from your pores.
Just bc you don’t want to feel like an asshole doesn’t mean you aren’t one.

If you wonder why no one stays or why no one applies – take a long look at yourself. You are self centered and barely take an interest in anyone unless they are kissing your ass or asking about you.
Do you realize that you only talk about yourself and don’t know anything real about any of your employees. Do you see how you pretend to chat up an employee and then immediately turn the conversation about you?
You realize the look on their face isn’t interest but puzzled and stuck talking to their boss. Conversations are give and take – you just take. It’s pathetic.
How about when someone comes into your office for help you don’t look put out and annoyed. It means people stop coming to you and instead make mistakes bc they have no guidance.

We love your LinkedIn and social media posts about what a great team we are. Those leadership posts…wow, do you really believe you are a great leader? Fucking embarrassing.

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