
Hey Millenials/Gen Z – Listen up!

I am from Gen X. I want to be clear about something. Majority of us get it. Statistically, majority of us understand. We may be “the forgotten” generation, but we didn't forget. We know what you're going through. I'm in management and I would hire ANY of you before I'd hire anyone from my generation. I've worked with a lot of you. I am god damned tired of the “these 'kids' don't wanna work” bullshit. No. These “kids” don't wanna work for your bullshit slave wages. I don't know why I am making this post other than I want you to know that you have an ally with grey hair. Love you guys. You keep doing what you're doing because you're making change; change that needs to drastically happen.

I am from Gen X. I want to be clear about something.
Majority of us get it.
Statistically, majority of us understand.
We may be “the forgotten” generation, but we didn't forget.
We know what you're going through.

I'm in management and I would hire ANY of you before I'd hire anyone from my generation.
I've worked with a lot of you.
I am god damned tired of the “these 'kids' don't wanna work” bullshit.
No. These “kids” don't wanna work for your bullshit slave wages.

I don't know why I am making this post other than I want you to know that you have an ally with grey hair.

Love you guys. You keep doing what you're doing because you're making change; change that needs to drastically happen.

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