
Hi I have a question for everyone

Hello r/antiwork I have a really quick question for all of you today as I'm a 23 year old with no experience nor knowledge of the law or how your place of employment is by law suppose to treat you. For the last few weeks my manager has been letting us leave our place of work an hour early on Fridays and clock us out at our usual time for the weekend telling us that her supervisors dont know. A few days ago I checked my hours and noticed that they were moving my time to the exact schedule for everyday. (Example being I clock in at 10:53 and then clock out at 7:15. Start time is 11 and we should be exiting at 7 after the next shift makes it to their stations, that's an addition 21 minutes a day. Yet when I checked my paystubs says I clocked…

Hello r/antiwork I have a really quick question for all of you today as I'm a 23 year old with no experience nor knowledge of the law or how your place of employment is by law suppose to treat you.

For the last few weeks my manager has been letting us leave our place of work an hour early on Fridays and clock us out at our usual time for the weekend telling us that her supervisors dont know. A few days ago I checked my hours and noticed that they were moving my time to the exact schedule for everyday.

(Example being I clock in at 10:53 and then clock out at 7:15. Start time is 11 and we should be exiting at 7 after the next shift makes it to their stations, that's an addition 21 minutes a day. Yet when I checked my paystubs says I clocked in at exact time and clocked out at exact time)

I tried asking about it, and my manager told me that they subtract the time to make up for the hours they let us go early, that it also isn't their decision it's actually the supervisors decision. She made it also VERY clear tho that what they were doing wasn't wrong since they are paying us for an hour we don't work. It evens out?

My other coworkers are in their 50s/60s and not technologically advanced in the slightest. They do not know how to check their time via the app nor care to do so yet if asked they believe they are being paid for any extra minutes worked. Some staying near 20-30 minutes afterwards

Is what they are doing illegal? Cause it feels like my time is being stolen from me. I'm not asking to leave early, yet if my time is getting changed regardless then what's the point. Also we can only leave an hour early if we get done with our chores in time, in reality someone can end up staying well pass due due to a list of things they need to accomplish before leaving in the morning.

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