
Hi Team, If you haven’t already, could you please place $20.00 in my bottom drawer for the gift cards we sent the independents? Thank you in advance!

I got this email on Monday. My supervisor sent gift cards to our independents for Christmas. I knew she was going to send them; but I didn’t realize she expected me to contribute personally. Our company should be reimbursing her not me. My company gave no raises this year and no Christmas bonus/gift. I make less than $20 an hour and our hours have been down. I’m so broke. Beautiful, talented people of Reddit, please word my response email.

I got this email on Monday. My supervisor sent gift cards to our independents for Christmas. I knew she was going to send them; but I didn’t realize she expected me to contribute personally. Our company should be reimbursing her not me.

My company gave no raises this year and no Christmas bonus/gift. I make less than $20 an hour and our hours have been down. I’m so broke.

Beautiful, talented people of Reddit, please word my response email.

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