I've been working from home for years now and when everyone had to go back into the office 3 days a week, I stayed home because I managed to find a clinic that would fill out my paperwork even if they weren't my GP/PCP.
It's literally just a form saying, me: yes they're my doctor, and then, doc: yes I'm her doctor and she has a respiratory condition that can be worse if she were to contract covid/other illnesses. I recommend she not work in an office setting.
My job makes me renew this like every 2 months or so as if my lifetime condition will change.
WELL, I was apparently missing information and they immediately closed my claim this morning and already sent info to my boss about me returning to work. I'm desperately trying to get this form completed but said doctor has moved out of state and I don't know if she'll actually get this done for me either this time or in the future.
I have managed to stay covid free this entire time and I'm literally terrified of going back. Not only that, I've long since lost my car because it completely broke down and I had to sell it for parts.
I'm losing my mind and just about ready to get fired–sorry, as they put it, determine voluntary resignation.