
HIPPA in the workplace?

Need advice: A friend was diagnosed with PPD (post partum depression) and had a related event that landed them in the hospital for a week. Her HR person was contacted, rather than her direct boss to discuss, since the boss tends to gossip with my friend's peers about her. She returned to work, to find out that her boss told her peer anyway (after being warned not to), and said peer has now told everyone in the office. This is a small gov't office, and it sounds like HR isn't really a fully regulated department. Does said friend have any recourse? -OR- Does anyone have ideas on how to get back at boss/peer? I welcome subtle and not so subtle ideas.

Need advice:

A friend was diagnosed with PPD (post partum depression) and had a related event that landed them in the hospital for a week. Her HR person was contacted, rather than her direct boss to discuss, since the boss tends to gossip with my friend's peers about her. She returned to work, to find out that her boss told her peer anyway (after being warned not to), and said peer has now told everyone in the office. This is a small gov't office, and it sounds like HR isn't really a fully regulated department. Does said friend have any recourse? -OR- Does anyone have ideas on how to get back at boss/peer? I welcome subtle and not so subtle ideas.

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