
Hired to get fired

I got hired at a company a month ago. I have had a lot of experience in this type of job, so it wasn’t a difficult transition for me. Throughout my time there, all my coworkers enjoyed me, and would actively say I was a great worker. I felt overall competent and understood the programming/ systems very quickly. My manager, however, would rarely interact with me and give me any feedback. Most of my “training” came from another tech that was under the same title as me. Last Friday I got an email from my manager, while she was ten feet away from me at her desk. It asked for a “quick check-in” at the end of the day. Which seemed normal since it had been a whole month since I’ve worked there, however, HR was CC’d as well. As soon as I went into the meeting, the manager started…

I got hired at a company a month ago. I have had a lot of experience in this type of job, so it wasn’t a difficult transition for me. Throughout my time there, all my coworkers enjoyed me, and would actively say I was a great worker. I felt overall competent and understood the programming/ systems very quickly. My manager, however, would rarely interact with me and give me any feedback. Most of my “training” came from another tech that was under the same title as me. Last Friday I got an email from my manager, while she was ten feet away from me at her desk. It asked for a “quick check-in” at the end of the day. Which seemed normal since it had been a whole month since I’ve worked there, however, HR was CC’d as well. As soon as I went into the meeting, the manager started reading off a script about how I was being let go from the company. She then asked if I had any questions. I said, “yes, why?”, and she said it was a “financial thing”. I asked for feedback on my work performance and she said I was great and a joy to work with. The HR guy said he could help me apply for unemployment, which I highly believe I’ll be ineligible for since I’ve only been there one month. I was then told to leave the premises. As I was leaving I told my coworkers I had been fired and all of their mouths dropped, they were legit shocked I was fired, especially since as they all said, I was a great worker. It was a really frustrating experience to walk out without a solid reason as to why I was let go. “Financials” seem strange since I had just been hired? They can do the math of how much I would get paid CANT they? (My pay was not much either, it was just above minimum wage.) wondering if anyone has gone through something like this or if they have any insight that can help me get a better grasp of the situation. (At the moment I feel like it has to be my fault somehow).

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