
Holiday pay/picks

Okay so I have a question and you guys may be able to provide me an answer that I am unable to find anywhere. My employer has Holiday picks by “seniority”. I, myself am not too upset by this policy but as a long term employee I see other long terms whom don't work nearly as hard as some of the new hires. Is it legally required for an employee to do Holiday picks based on seniority? I was told this was why it worked that way but I can't seem to find any evidence of this. I just believe it should be work ethic – not length of employment, but if that's legally the way it has to be then I would like to know.

Okay so I have a question and you guys may be able to provide me an answer that I am unable to find anywhere. My employer has Holiday picks by “seniority”. I, myself am not too upset by this policy but as a long term employee I see other long terms whom don't work nearly as hard as some of the new hires. Is it legally required for an employee to do Holiday picks based on seniority? I was told this was why it worked that way but I can't seem to find any evidence of this. I just believe it should be work ethic – not length of employment, but if that's legally the way it has to be then I would like to know.

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