
Homeless making 40k a year

Served for 7 years in the military, separated honorably, went to a reputable school in Chicago and got my BS in Finance with a 3.9 GPA. Most I was offered before I ran out of money and starved was $32k with Charles Schwab. I maxed my credit card to get my series certification and now make $35k. I work 70 hours a week with CS plus four hours at a gas station Monday through Sunday from 7-11 making $11 an hour every day. Never thought this much hard work would land me homeless and hungry but here I am. Homeless, hungry and horribly depressed. Not sure I’m going to be around much longer knowing this is how life will be. I work more than I ever have and make less than I did as an E-5 in the military. Someone remind me what’s the point of living and doing any…

Served for 7 years in the military, separated honorably, went to a reputable school in Chicago and got my BS in Finance with a 3.9 GPA.

Most I was offered before I ran out of money and starved was $32k with Charles Schwab. I maxed my credit card to get my series certification and now make $35k. I work 70 hours a week with CS plus four hours at a gas station Monday through Sunday from 7-11 making $11 an hour every day.

Never thought this much hard work would land me homeless and hungry but here I am. Homeless, hungry and horribly depressed. Not sure I’m going to be around much longer knowing this is how life will be.

I work more than I ever have and make less than I did as an E-5 in the military.

Someone remind me what’s the point of living and doing any of this? Cause I’m not seeing a new chapter to this life. Best part of my story is when it all ends. Really looking forward to this dirt nap so the suffering ends.

Also have an infected tooth I need removed but can’t afford it. Any advice on how to do it myself? I was thinking of pulling a Tom Hanks and picking it out with a blade.

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