
hot work conditions

My bf works in a restaurant that sells Buffalo wings. For the past few months (all summer) the AC has not been working. They had someone come fix it but it still doesn’t work. He constantly complains to the managers and general manager about the heat but there is still no time frame for when it will be fixed. We are currently in a heat wave of over 110 degrees outside. The restaurant has got to be at least 100 degrees especially in the kitchen. The dining room itself feels like 90+. He comes home with his clothes soaked in sweat and when I visit him at work I can barely stand to be in there. Recently their water machine isn’t working and all of the drinks are hot with no ice. He gets no breaks and the corporate office is looking to push his and his coworkers hours from…

My bf works in a restaurant that sells Buffalo wings. For the past few months (all summer) the AC has not been working. They had someone come fix it but it still doesn’t work. He constantly complains to the managers and general manager about the heat but there is still no time frame for when it will be fixed. We are currently in a heat wave of over 110 degrees outside. The restaurant has got to be at least 100 degrees especially in the kitchen. The dining room itself feels like 90+. He comes home with his clothes soaked in sweat and when I visit him at work I can barely stand to be in there. Recently their water machine isn’t working and all of the drinks are hot with no ice. He gets no breaks and the corporate office is looking to push his and his coworkers hours from 30+ hours a week to 10. I hope something is done soon, I just wanted to rant on his behalf.

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