
How are people surviving?

The median household income is $70,784. About 2-3 people live in a household. This means no one by themselves can support themselves. Even making around $70,000 alone isn't enough to support yourself in places that offer such a wage. However I see houses selling for absurd prices all the time, even trailers for $250,000+. With everything inflating though the roof, how in the hell can even the middle class survive? Even more surprising, where is all this money coming from people where they are thriving? I swear the only thing I can come up with is that there is loads of people doing illegal under-the-table shit. The vast majority of you aren't making $100,000 salaries as I hear people claim on Reddit all the time. You're all not coders, managers, CEOs. So how isn't more than half America not in the streets? Inherence? Illegal jobs? Seriously what? The reason things…

The median household income is $70,784. About 2-3 people live in a household. This means no one by themselves can support themselves. Even making around $70,000 alone isn't enough to support yourself in places that offer such a wage. However I see houses selling for absurd prices all the time, even trailers for $250,000+.

With everything inflating though the roof, how in the hell can even the middle class survive? Even more surprising, where is all this money coming from people where they are thriving? I swear the only thing I can come up with is that there is loads of people doing illegal under-the-table shit. The vast majority of you aren't making $100,000 salaries as I hear people claim on Reddit all the time.

You're all not coders, managers, CEOs. So how isn't more than half America not in the streets? Inherence? Illegal jobs? Seriously what? The reason things won't change is because clearly there are people that are making enough to buy the shit that's on the market and it's even selling fast.

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