
How are us Gen Z able to cope with ghosting after ghosting?

I’ve been looking for work for over 6 months now. I thought I finally found a decent opportunity, the first interview went so so well. HR was fast to communicate with me, it seemed like a very chill environment, I thought my physically, chronically disabled Gen Z ass finally found my place in the world. And then their HR contacted me for a second interview. I told them I agreed, but I was on holiday during this time for a few days. This was discussed before and during the interview and everything was seemingly okay. So I emailed them this DURING my holiday. Heard nothing. Thought it was odd considering how fast they were before, so I emailed them as soon as I got home to update them that I am now available whenever for details regarding date and time for this second interview. Still nothing. Over a week later……

I’ve been looking for work for over 6 months now. I thought I finally found a decent opportunity, the first interview went so so well. HR was fast to communicate with me, it seemed like a very chill environment, I thought my physically, chronically disabled Gen Z ass finally found my place in the world.

And then their HR contacted me for a second interview. I told them I agreed, but I was on holiday during this time for a few days. This was discussed before and during the interview and everything was seemingly okay. So I emailed them this DURING my holiday. Heard nothing. Thought it was odd considering how fast they were before, so I emailed them as soon as I got home to update them that I am now available whenever for details regarding date and time for this second interview. Still nothing.

Over a week later… I send them one more email, asking if my emails have been going through and that I was still interested in this second round interview.

Nothing. Dead silence. And I know my emails have been going through.

I’m no stranger to being ghosted after applying, or after a first interview, or even on the date OF my interview where they just don’t show up. But doing this after being told I was in the second round, I just… why do companies do this? Do they intentionally want to blue ball us? What else do I even do? This job was so important for me to get because I risk being homeless next month. Why do I have to beg companies to communicate with me? What’s the point in saying ‘We will invite you to a second interview’ just to NEVER acknowledge you ever again? This job hunt is giving me intrusive thoughts about living man. I don’t know if it’s even worth trying anymore.

I feel like if I see a mental health professional and tell them I’m suicidal over job hunting as a young disabled person, they’ll just tell me I’m SOL and have to find ways to cope that don’t cost money… hell I was on anti-depressants and pain medication, but had to stop taking them because I literally cannot afford to buy them monthly now. I can only afford my phone bill. And yet somehow this is still all my fault for being Gen Z according to society.

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