
how can i convince my boss to offer health insurance?

hi! 19f, im currently a cna at an assisted living facility. i moved to the middle of the country alone last year and i havent had insurance since. the current job i have doesn’t even have benefits of any kind, im also apparently making at LEAST $1.50 less than all my coworkers despite me working alone most shifts and doing 3 peoples work on my own. we are incredibly short staffed. as a sexually active person and also working around bodily fluids, contagious illnesses, contagious skin conditions, etc. i find it’s ridiculous that i dont have health insurance. there was a time where my facility got hit with a super bad virus, i got a sinus infection and couldnt afford to go to the doctor and had to hope itd fix itself. i was smelling garbage for WEEKS. i just dont know how to even go about it. he tells…

hi! 19f, im currently a cna at an assisted living facility. i moved to the middle of the country alone last year and i havent had insurance since. the current job i have doesn’t even have benefits of any kind, im also apparently making at LEAST $1.50 less than all my coworkers despite me working alone most shifts and doing 3 peoples work on my own. we are incredibly short staffed.
as a sexually active person and also working around bodily fluids, contagious illnesses, contagious skin conditions, etc. i find it’s ridiculous that i dont have health insurance. there was a time where my facility got hit with a super bad virus, i got a sinus infection and couldnt afford to go to the doctor and had to hope itd fix itself. i was smelling garbage for WEEKS.

i just dont know how to even go about it. he tells my coworkers not to discuss their wages, and told me my wage would depend on my experience/performance, but i havent had any performance review, and my 3 years of experience hasnt even been considered since new hires automatically make more than me by at least a dollar. please help me!!

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