
How do I deal with the fact I’m almost cirtenly about to be replaced.

So my employer bought a new machine that once it's all set up should make my job of wiring electrical panels doable by low skill, low cost labor. I worked for this place for 4 years, left for about a year, and then came back only in the last few months, why am I even here if they are about to replace my job with unskilled labor. I want to ask management what the plan is what they are gonna do if my theory is correct and what they plan to do with all the employees in my position. This is a small company with around 100 employees I have known the management for years and I'm a very honest person. Do I just get my resume prepped and start looking for a new position or try to stick it out here ask management what their plan is? Thanks

So my employer bought a new machine that once it's all set up should make my job of wiring electrical panels doable by low skill, low cost labor. I worked for this place for 4 years, left for about a year, and then came back only in the last few months, why am I even here if they are about to replace my job with unskilled labor. I want to ask management what the plan is what they are gonna do if my theory is correct and what they plan to do with all the employees in my position. This is a small company with around 100 employees I have known the management for years and I'm a very honest person. Do I just get my resume prepped and start looking for a new position or try to stick it out here ask management what their plan is? Thanks

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