
How do I escape a maniac boss to move into a new role within the same company? Is it possible?

I work a remote corporate job currently. My boss is a maniac. They always reach out completely at random with vague instructions and an almost impossible deadline unless you plan on working well after hours (8 pm on some days). He schedules meetings with other teams and then arrives 15 mins late in his car you can hear his turn signal, and the other managers in the call are all on camera at their desk.. Like wtf? Who does that? How can he review and see excel data being shared with him while driving? Our most recent project our entire team was responsible for, and at the very beginning, my manager didn't let anyone know what was going on, provided extremely unclear direction and communication, and the whole thing was a royal shit show spent working til 7 pm every day and saturday, and since we were all rushed and…

I work a remote corporate job currently. My boss is a maniac. They always reach out completely at random with vague instructions and an almost impossible deadline unless you plan on working well after hours (8 pm on some days). He schedules meetings with other teams and then arrives 15 mins late in his car you can hear his turn signal, and the other managers in the call are all on camera at their desk.. Like wtf? Who does that? How can he review and see excel data being shared with him while driving?

Our most recent project our entire team was responsible for, and at the very beginning, my manager didn't let anyone know what was going on, provided extremely unclear direction and communication, and the whole thing was a royal shit show spent working til 7 pm every day and saturday, and since we were all rushed and working so much, there were several errors and it was so bad that director, and SVP over our department chewed out our manager…

How do I escape this buffoon to go to a different team / role in the company without making waves?

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