
How do I handle this??

Sorry for the book I'm writing but.. here goes. So I've been at my job for awhile, 5 years, and I've noticed what can only be described as SOME BULLSHIT. I had some car trouble last Monday. I commute an hour to work so if my cars not happy, I ain't showing up. My truck wouldn't start and ran like shit when it did start so.. I called out. No biggie, I fixed my shit and showed up Tuesday, nothing crazy happened in my absence. We use paychex to clock in and out, I worked the whole week, save for Monday. 35 hours… Approved it. No biggie I'll take the hit and save my vacation time. I just got a message from my boss today..On Sunday.. saying I have to put in for the day I missed. The text Boss: hey can you put in for your time for last…

Sorry for the book I'm writing but.. here goes.

So I've been at my job for awhile, 5 years, and I've noticed what can only be described as SOME BULLSHIT.

I had some car trouble last Monday. I commute an hour to work so if my cars not happy, I ain't showing up. My truck wouldn't start and ran like shit when it did start so.. I called out. No biggie, I fixed my shit and showed up Tuesday, nothing crazy happened in my absence. We use paychex to clock in and out, I worked the whole week, save for Monday. 35 hours… Approved it. No biggie I'll take the hit and save my vacation time. I just got a message from my boss today..On Sunday.. saying I have to put in for the day I missed.

The text
Boss: hey can you put in for your time for last Monday.
Me: do I have to or can I just take the hit?
Boss: yes if you have the time, unfortunately.
Boss: Sorry.

Here's my beef.

If the company decides for some reason to shut down, like for a holiday or big storm or some other reason, us employees are allowed to not use our time if we don't want to. Yet if we have some personal reason or another to call out, we are obligated to use our time??. Wtf?

I talked with another employee about what might happen if I ride this out and refuse to submit my time. he said he's already been through this and that I could try to plead my case to the owner, which likely won't work out in my favor and that our HR department would submit my time anyway and approve it for me.

I'm in Florida. What can I do? Isn't this bullshit? Like.. fuck man.

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