
How do I learn the “not my job” mentality?

I admittedly have a bad habit of always trying to do more. Figured if I show I can do more than just what my role entails then surely I can be more useful and it'll work out for me in the end (no I'm not a boomer but worked for plenty of them). This could be just working harder or even doing things that aren't my job to get things moving when that role is dragging it's ass or I'm out of things to do. I also pride myself in being able to do things myself whenever possible (foreshadowing). Generally works out for me but this time it bit me. Took on more than I should've and something I shouldn't have and screwed it up. I won't detail it since I'm still really embarrassed about it (completely my fault) but I would like to avoid doing similar. How do I…

I admittedly have a bad habit of always trying to do more. Figured if I show I can do more than just what my role entails then surely I can be more useful and it'll work out for me in the end (no I'm not a boomer but worked for plenty of them). This could be just working harder or even doing things that aren't my job to get things moving when that role is dragging it's ass or I'm out of things to do. I also pride myself in being able to do things myself whenever possible (foreshadowing).

Generally works out for me but this time it bit me. Took on more than I should've and something I shouldn't have and screwed it up. I won't detail it since I'm still really embarrassed about it (completely my fault) but I would like to avoid doing similar. How do I retrain myself to stop reaching beyond my current obligations?

For context I'm not meaning how do I do the bare minimum or anything like that, I like my work (usually) and managers plenty and want to make good impressions/advance in the company. I more mean how do I reteach myself to adopt more of a “not my job” mentality so I don't go too far?

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