
How do I respond to manager about this weird policy?

Hi, I’ve been a nurse for 3 years and at my current job for a year. I’m in a float pool which basically means I don’t find out which unit in the hospital I’m going to work in until the morning of. I like the variety that this provides, but I think the way my job goes about it can be extremely disrespectful. For one, my shift is from 7am to 7pm. I’m expected to call this “hotline” at 5:00 am that plays a recording of which nurse is going to which unit. If you don’t hear your name, you’re supposed to call the office and they’ll probably tell you your shift is cancelled. But here’s where my issue is. First, I picked up an extra shift on Friday. I didn’t hear my name on the hotline, and when I called I was told I got called off. Obviously this…


I’ve been a nurse for 3 years and at my current job for a year. I’m in a float pool which basically means I don’t find out which unit in the hospital I’m going to work in until the morning of. I like the variety that this provides, but I think the way my job goes about it can be extremely disrespectful.

For one, my shift is from 7am to 7pm. I’m expected to call this “hotline” at 5:00 am that plays a recording of which nurse is going to which unit. If you don’t hear your name, you’re supposed to call the office and they’ll probably tell you your shift is cancelled.

But here’s where my issue is. First, I picked up an extra shift on Friday. I didn’t hear my name on the hotline, and when I called I was told I got called off. Obviously this would have been nice to know in advance because this was an EXTRA shift. I already have a problem with them not calling us off the night before.

But WAIT! It gets even worse!

The expectation is that you call the office back EVERY FOUR HOURS to make sure they don’t need help? So technically at 1:00PM, they could still need you to come in from 3PM to 7PM no matter how far you live.

To me, this is a stupid game and I don’t usually play. I’ll call back at 9am for giggles, but I’m not going to be lying awake and calling YALL for 8+ hours to see if I’m supposed to work. Either I’m on the schedule or I’m not.

So I just got a voicemail from my manager because on Friday, I called at 5 and at 9 and was told I’m not scheduled, but apparently they REALLY NEEDED ME at 3 PM. She wants me to call her back to review the policy but I honestly am so frustrated with how they are playing with my time. I also was called off again this morning so I really don’t even want to answer since I have a day off.

Any advice for how to respond to her during this call? I can play nice and just nod my head yes but can’t we all agree that they’re taking advantage? Also, if y’all need help so bad why can’t YOU CALL ME?

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