
How do I stop feeling bad about my work output?

So I work in an office setting, this is a new job I'm working as a receptionist. If I had to guess how many actual hours of real work I've done in the past two weeks.. ah.. maybe like 4-6 hours combined? Currently I set up for luncheons if we have luncheons, order lunches for bi monthly meetings, order birthday cake if we have birthdays, tidy up the break room, occasionally do time entry, occasionally print things for people, validate parking, turn lights on in the lobby, ect. The majority of my day is spent on my phone. How do I feel less bad about that? I've heard on other places on social media about people complaining about those who are on their phone during work, mostly from managers and supervisors. I've had jobs where I've had a 7 hour day and worked for 6.5 of those, non stop. I'm…

So I work in an office setting, this is a new job I'm working as a receptionist.

If I had to guess how many actual hours of real work I've done in the past two weeks.. ah.. maybe like 4-6 hours combined? Currently I set up for luncheons if we have luncheons, order lunches for bi monthly meetings, order birthday cake if we have birthdays, tidy up the break room, occasionally do time entry, occasionally print things for people, validate parking, turn lights on in the lobby, ect.

The majority of my day is spent on my phone.
How do I feel less bad about that? I've heard on other places on social media about people complaining about those who are on their phone during work, mostly from managers and supervisors.

I've had jobs where I've had a 7 hour day and worked for 6.5 of those, non stop. I'm capable of doing that, and I'm not lazy. I just didn't want to sweat and smell like food at the end of my day.

I'm in a job where, outside of my set duties, people must come to me if they want help/assistance with something. If they want me to print, I print. If they want me to do time entry, I do it. But if no one comes up to me to ask me to do stuff.. see the problem?

I'm trying to not feel guilty about esentially getting paid to be on my phone 80% of the day. Like, it's not my fault that the 8-9 hour work day is a standard. Nobody is productive for every waking hour the majority of the time. If I had a choice to complete my work and then clock out immediately after, I would, but I'm stuck here until 5 like everyone else, and I choose to not stare into the void or fight the 2pm slump.

I don't really feel bad most of the time, but sometimes the more work-happy micromanagers get to me when they talk of their experiences with me.
I also do complete work before being on my phone, because I'm still a good and effective employee.

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