
How do I stop my age getting in the way of my career?

I am a south Asian 24 F. I’ve been working for 10 years mainly because I needed money to survive and was in a family situation where I had to grow up fast. I went to University at 18, I worked in my field full time while studying full time so by the time I got out of uni I had 5 years of experience and earning over 100k. This is in addition to, sitting on boards and public speaking since I was 16 which became a side hustle for me and has enabled me to create a brand outside of my job. I’ve worked really hard however I work in a white male dominated industry, and have ADHD – I’m always known by my bosses as a good worker but when it comes to promotion time/or to ask for added responsibility on a project – my bosses degrade me…

I am a south Asian 24 F. I’ve been working for 10 years mainly because I needed money to survive and was in a family situation where I had to grow up fast. I went to University at 18, I worked in my field full time while studying full time so by the time I got out of uni I had 5 years of experience and earning over 100k. This is in addition to, sitting on boards and public speaking since I was 16 which became a side hustle for me and has enabled me to create a brand outside of my job.

I’ve worked really hard however I work in a white male dominated industry, and have ADHD – I’m always known by my bosses as a good worker but when it comes to promotion time/or to ask for added responsibility on a project – my bosses degrade me by telling me I’m too young, need to act my age or need to stop trying to move ahead in my career and be “relatable”. Furthermore ive experienced racism and sexism. (I’ve complained but been gaslight). I’ve had a few jobs in various sectors, applied for others but things aren’t changing. Lately also, when a recruiter finds out that my asking salary is 6 figures they tell me im young despite my experience and matching what I’ve earned at previous jobs.

I’m just sick and tired of the bullying/constantly feeling unmotivated, and feeling forced to be complacent. Despite also having connections in the industry I also feel my credibility and experience is ignored because of my age. How can I be told I’m good at what I do but still be treated this way?

Should I start my own business? In the meantime how do I prevent my age, gender, life experience and race getting in the way?

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