
How do I tell them that I want my paid break without disturbing the power structure of my job

I recently got this part time job to save up money for college. I work or should work 4 hours for my shift, but recently they’ve been pushing and making me clock out at 3 hours and 55 minutes. Basically anything before 4 hours- I shrugged this off until I was informed that was wrong and perhaps illegal. Honestly it hasn’t been long working for this job but I would be losing deserved money off of my non-existent 30 min shifts for about 5 months, which does add up. I’m thinking of confronting my manager and advocating for myself but I don’t know what to say. Man, I love capitalism and it’s delectable worker power struggle/j.

I recently got this part time job to save up money for college. I work or should work 4 hours for my shift, but recently they’ve been pushing and making me clock out at 3 hours and 55 minutes. Basically anything before 4 hours- I shrugged this off until I was informed that was wrong and perhaps illegal. Honestly it hasn’t been long working for this job but I would be losing deserved money off of my non-existent 30 min shifts for about 5 months, which does add up. I’m thinking of confronting my manager and advocating for myself but I don’t know what to say. Man, I love capitalism and it’s delectable worker power struggle/j.

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