
How do you tackle if the director of your company takes all of the credit?

I'm currently working as a network engineer in an SI company. I was tasked with creating a yearly network report for a bank and worked pretty much like 14-15 hours without getting paid extra, because I was also eager to draw network diagrams. The diagrams in the past given to the bank were inaccurate and written in another language so the IT Manager here also personally told me that he could not understand the previous diagrams. But then, when I've done my mappings (Like IP, Ports, etc) and made some good-looking diagrams, the director of my company was like “The diagrams look awesome, please work harder like this in the future”. And later that week, I prepared a unfinished document file for him because he said he was visiting the bank and he needed to show what's been done and stuffs like that. He and the MD are the only…

I'm currently working as a network engineer in an SI company. I was tasked with creating a yearly network report for a bank and worked pretty much like 14-15 hours without getting paid extra, because I was also eager to draw network diagrams. The diagrams in the past given to the bank were inaccurate and written in another language so the IT Manager here also personally told me that he could not understand the previous diagrams. But then, when I've done my mappings (Like IP, Ports, etc) and made some good-looking diagrams, the director of my company was like “The diagrams look awesome, please work harder like this in the future”. And later that week, I prepared a unfinished document file for him because he said he was visiting the bank and he needed to show what's been done and stuffs like that. He and the MD are the only Koreans at our company and since our company is small, they're the top of the tree. And I'm currently just a junior network engineer doing the jobs of a senior and an IT manager, because they are not familiar in doing these things but I kinda excel at documentation to an extent. The Korean guy never talked to me directly, probably because of a language barrier or he is just too full of himself, but he told me to only edit the new document he has created (Basically he just copied and pasted everything I've done, and created a lame First Page, which I tried to change it with a cover page drawn using Illustrator, but he just loved his – lame Big Black Color Texts with a small 360×360 Image at the bottom of the page – cover page).

Quitting is not an option for like another 3-6 months because it's only been 6 months I've worked in this company and this is my first job as a Network Engineer, so I don't wanna have a bad impression on the next jobs that I apply. I'm thinking about not doing the diagrams that take intense amount of time and thinking in the future. But I want to know how do you guys handle it when someone above you just wants to take credit for all of the works you've done by doing some shit like adding a lame Cover Page and stuffs? I wouldn't really mind at first when he would just let me do the whole document, but it's like, “you do all the hard works and thinking, I'll add some cover page and take all the credit as if those were all my doings”. (And he added the diagrams from previous document so, obviously, he doesn't even know the previous diagrams were inaccurate, and the diagrams I drew and the ones he added are gonna be pretty controversial to someone who can understands these)

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