
How do you tell a good boss you want to quit?

I (24F) have been working in a small retail job for the last few years while completing my master’s. The boss is great, the customers are always sweet, the pay is good and fits my busy schedule…there’s only one problem…a nasty coworker who is making my life hell. A little beak ground information in her before we get to the main issue. This coworker, (25F) Witch, was my main go-to person when I first started working here. She taught me how to do everything: work the registers, stock the shelves, do inventory, order items, manage the books, etc. She taught me everything and we became very close. However, she is also a person who expects everything to go her way. She lives by the principle that only her way is the right way. Witch is always getting into screaming matches with customers and snapping at them. I made the mistake…

I (24F) have been working in a small retail job for the last few years while completing my master’s. The boss is great, the customers are always sweet, the pay is good and fits my busy schedule…there’s only one problem…a nasty coworker who is making my life hell.

A little beak ground information in her before we get to the main issue. This coworker, (25F) Witch, was my main go-to person when I first started working here. She taught me how to do everything: work the registers, stock the shelves, do inventory, order items, manage the books, etc. She taught me everything and we became very close. However, she is also a person who expects everything to go her way. She lives by the principle that only her way is the right way. Witch is always getting into screaming matches with customers and snapping at them. I made the mistake of thinking that everything would be okay because I am a chill, quite, go with the flow kid of person. Fast forward a couple months ago when a customer came in.

Now, this is a regular customer and this particular day Dixie(56F) came to the store screaming in her phone. She was cursing up a storm at the person on the other end and I just minded my own business and started ringing her items. Once I was done, I waited 15 minutes and she still was not done cursing in the phone. At this point I politely interjected and asked if there was anything else she wanted to buy. She went MAD!!! She started cursing me out and saying I had no right to rush her. I decided to step away and called for someone else to take care of her. Witch came storming around the corner mad that I did that. She said I should have taken care of her since she is a regular customer. I told her I was not going to listen to Dixie disrespect me. I told the boss and he said it was a good thing I walked away without saying anything and he would take care of it.

From that day Witch has been making rude comments and interfering with my work responsibilities. She nitpicks at everything and constantly lies to the boss that I did something wrong. She spreads rumors behind my back and whenever I go by her she covers her nose and complains loudly that the garbage smells. A couple days ago she cursed me out in front of customers because I didn’t go help out at another register even though I was busy at my own.

I don’t have any problems with anyone else at my workplace but when she is there I feel so much pressure and I hate it. I told the boss what has been happening and he said he knows Witch does this often, even with him sometimes. He said that she is just a bully and that u should ignore her.

But I have been ignoring her for six months now and I can’t take it anymore. How do I tell the boss I’m quitting without upsetting him and ruining my relationship with him? Especially with Labor Day coming up I don’t want to quit and leave him struggling to find someone else. But I mentally can’t take another day working with Witch. What should I do?

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