
How does anyone do this

I feel like I'm insane, I'm at a job where it pays my bills and the labor is less intense and less demanding than my last job, and it still feels like pulling teeth to get up every morning only after 6 months of employment. This is like my third job, I'm 24, and I'm still not used to it. I work 35-45 hours a week as an aide for physical therapy and people in my personal life just scoff at me when I say I feel burnt out and say at least I'm not working 50 or 60 hours. I feel like I'm losing my mind and there's no way out. Half of my paycheck goes to rent and the other half goes to food and bills, and I have not been able to find a better job even though I have a degree. How does anyone learn to…

I feel like I'm insane, I'm at a job where it pays my bills and the labor is less intense and less demanding than my last job, and it still feels like pulling teeth to get up every morning only after 6 months of employment. This is like my third job, I'm 24, and I'm still not used to it. I work 35-45 hours a week as an aide for physical therapy and people in my personal life just scoff at me when I say I feel burnt out and say at least I'm not working 50 or 60 hours. I feel like I'm losing my mind and there's no way out. Half of my paycheck goes to rent and the other half goes to food and bills, and I have not been able to find a better job even though I have a degree. How does anyone learn to cope?

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