
How is this possible??

I was written up and almost terminated for an act between 3 other employees where during this period i was off the clock. 90 Days ago some coworkers got into a verbal argument, while i was @ lunch and when i returned i was asked to sit in as a witness while they were disciplined. My manager was on vacation so it fell to me. Solutions were discussed and then enforced said solutions afterwords. Now 3 months later my GM requests me to write a witness statement to the events that transpired that day. Task completed, the following day i have to sign a discipline form like #3 (iirc) the one before termination. I cant for the life of me understand why im being disciplined when im not the manager or even being paid during the altercation. P.S. i am still very angry, so some of grammar is FK'd atm.

I was written up and almost terminated for an act between 3 other employees where during this period i was off the clock. 90 Days ago some coworkers got into a verbal argument, while i was @ lunch and when i returned i was asked to sit in as a witness while they were disciplined. My manager was on vacation so it fell to me. Solutions were discussed and then enforced said solutions afterwords. Now 3 months later my GM requests me to write a witness statement to the events that transpired that day. Task completed, the following day i have to sign a discipline form like #3 (iirc) the one before termination. I cant for the life of me understand why im being disciplined when im not the manager or even being paid during the altercation.

P.S. i am still very angry, so some of grammar is FK'd atm.

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