
How long until there is a uprising of workers?

Curious to gather some views on this. Have just finished a trip to a few different western countries and had many of my thoughts about the current track of society confirmed. Low and middle income workers are being pushed to the brink, while the rich continue to get richer. It seems like there is signficant resentment building in the working class, and violence like what has happened in france seems more and more likely as time goes on. The friction between The boomer generation and Genz/Millenals is at an all time high and as the once youthfull reach middle age they are realising that there future has been stolen by the previous generations, and they refusing to give it back. Birth rates are plummiting as adults reaching there 30's refuse to have children due to obseen living costs, which is breaking the capitlist economic system which relies on constant growth…

Curious to gather some views on this. Have just finished a trip to a few different western countries and had many of my thoughts about the current track of society confirmed. Low and middle income workers are being pushed to the brink, while the rich continue to get richer. It seems like there is signficant resentment building in the working class, and violence like what has happened in france seems more and more likely as time goes on. The friction between The boomer generation and Genz/Millenals is at an all time high and as the once youthfull reach middle age they are realising that there future has been stolen by the previous generations, and they refusing to give it back. Birth rates are plummiting as adults reaching there 30's refuse to have children due to obseen living costs, which is breaking the capitlist economic system which relies on constant growth to function. Pension systems are all heading for collapse as there fundemental design does not work in a world filled with old retired baby boomers. Political divison is being used as a weapon to confuse the working class and stop them from realising the true war is the wealthy vs the working poor. It seems to me that this is all leading towards an inevitable break point, I wonder how far away it is 🧐🧐 What do you reckon?

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