
How many interviews is past the point of no return?

I just finished my marketing & entrepreneurship degrees, and did some job hunting on LinkedIn, until I stumbled across a great company I thought I'd fit right in at. They're a Healthcare software company in its infancy with a little over 100 employees, looking for a “marketing associate”, an entry position. I sent in my resume and got responded to pretty fast. I fit all the qualifications, and exceeded in others. From there, I began the interview phase. It started reasonably, talking to the lead hiring person at the company. Interview went great. Onto the head of the marketing department, again a slam dunk. Now I'm interviewing with the head of product marketing, and then three days later the CMO. For the record, the marketing team is 5 people and I spoke to three of them. All the interviews felt right, and I had the experience to fill the position…

I just finished my marketing & entrepreneurship degrees, and did some job hunting on LinkedIn, until I stumbled across a great company I thought I'd fit right in at. They're a Healthcare software company in its infancy with a little over 100 employees, looking for a “marketing associate”, an entry position. I sent in my resume and got responded to pretty fast. I fit all the qualifications, and exceeded in others. From there, I began the interview phase.

It started reasonably, talking to the lead hiring person at the company. Interview went great. Onto the head of the marketing department, again a slam dunk. Now I'm interviewing with the head of product marketing, and then three days later the CMO. For the record, the marketing team is 5 people and I spoke to three of them. All the interviews felt right, and I had the experience to fill the position they were looking for. I figured, after four interviews and two weeks of my life dedicated to this, I had to be their #1 right?

Wrong. “We went in a different direction” was the only reasoning, and I'm back to square one. So now I'm asking, how many interviews and weeks should a company spend before it gives you its answer? Also just a little sympathy at how horrendous the job search process is would be nice too.

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